About Me (Follow me on Facebook)

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I am a young and energetic photographer. I love photography and see myself as having an unique sense for photos. I specialize in Wedding, Portfolio and Couple Shoot Photography as well as events photography. My motto for my business is Col 3:23 that says: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. Email: dekophotography@gmail.com Contact: 074 173 2070

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Madore en Bennita (part 1)

Die twee dames is twee wonderlike mense. Hulle breek nie die lens nie, hulle versier hom. Hierdie fotos was die eerstes wat ek geneem het van hulle (part 1) en dit was hope pret!! Elkeen van hulle het n unieke styl voor die kamera. Hulle is nog jonk en het n sonskyn helder toekoms wat vir hulle wag! :) Hou julle oe oop vir fotos wat kom..

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